
The AV Club is by far my favorite BuzzFeed aggregator site.

So you're saying you're impoverished, in squalor? Your power of speech unimpeachable? Boy howdy, do I have a musical for you!


Thank god he wasn't anti-gun from 1775-1783.

There's nothing rich folks love more

He showed up unannounced when they did that show at the Hollywood Bowl a few years back.

Reach Down, with its epic 30 minute Mike McCready solo that, if I remember correctly, he played half of while not being able to hear himself because his cans fell off halfway through.

Does this mean I'm cool again?

"Because they cut the budget for the director's salary by 23%."

I paid that much to see Radiohead front row at the Hollywood Bowl. Worth every goddamn penny.

And Peggy!

Bossy Pants 2: Worse Bossy Pants

Man, Jon Snow really knows how to slay that pussy.

What Jon did was clearly stupid, but not NEARLY as stupid as Ramsay shooting Wun Wun instead of Jon.

In other news, Mark-Paul Gosselaar and Mario Lopez are both doing great.

Pablo o plomo.

My favorite part of that scene was how absurd it is that he would be able to sneak up on them like that while driving a van at full speed, off-road. So perfect.

I wish he wasn't wearing a hat so early on. His choosing a hat was one of my favorite sight gags in the comics.

Needs more bleeps and bloops.

Gah, yes, of course they are. I had forgotten that the people from the Kingdom wear armor. And ride horses.