
I haven't found that information yet. I'm interested to find that out too.

Actually, I did cite the sources. You can take the information I've provided and find the sources quite easily. Your unwillingness to do a slight amount of legwork to find and read my sources doesn't mean I didn't cite them.

Read my response again more carefully. I've already addressed this, quite directly.

Again, you're using a slippery slope fallacy which has already addressed by me, quite directly.

They would not exist, and nor would any defensive uses of firearms, either.

Those studies are easily found via Google.

You are misrepresenting my argument.

He looks down and has a big grin on his face.

Daryl shaking the soda up before tossing it at Jesus, and the dude playing Jesus breaking character, was pure gold.

Or on the Hilltop, amirite?

I think he's a little young to play Jesus, but the show really nailed the tone of his introduction.

Fewer murdered by handguns? Sure. But it would also eliminate defensive uses of firearms against violent crimes.

Exactly how do Nevada's gun laws contribute to California's crime rate? You can't buy a handgun or long gun from a dealer unless you're a resident of that state. There are private sales in Nevada, but if you're willing to buy a gun and bring it into California (which is illegal), you'd probably be just as willing to

What percentage of firearm homicides do you think are from drivebys?

What does the drive by aspect have to do with anything?

Normalize that by population, then compare all that data to every other country in the world, not just the ones that are cherry picked for infographics.

Then take a look at the data. Find the lowest estimate you can for defensive handgun usage (the higher estimates are not credible) and compare it to the number of deaths by mass shooting.

4X times an incredibly small number is still an incredibly small number.


What is your idea of meaningful gun control?