
Glover, Glover, you don't treat me good no more.

Me like Donald Glover, so me hope this means we'll see more non-Community work from him. No offense to fans, but Community somewhat one-note and repetitive as TV Show.

Me believe there 8 of us now.

Me, original imitator, present!

Nope: The Following.

Any kind of defense would HAVE to be tongue in cheek, me would think.

You too? They said me blue fur wouldn't look good in lightning they using for pageant.

Me don't get people say offensive things on public television. Don't they know that this hurts public image beyond repair?

Me speech impediment certainly hurt me chances with getting that gig…but a monster can hope…

Or Cookies!

OWWWW!! That newspaper hurt!

While you at Wal-Mart, please pick me up some COOKIES!!

Me would've been as big as Minions, if only…if only…if only me had done well in that audition for Sesame Street. Instead, that other Cookie Monster got it. Now, me all alone. And sad…

Me personally feel The Dark Knight best Nolan Batman movie ,followed by Batman Begins, then Rises

Me FELT that was unnecessary. (Thanks folk! Me will be here until end of time!)

Speaking of good performances in bad Batman movies, me just thought of perfect example: Tom Hardy in Dark Knight Rises.

Yeah! Who would create lengthy off topic discussion anyhow?

Actually, i believe, counting original Cookie Monster, there are 8. Which both amazing and depressing.

Me think he in Bahamas, for well deserved vacation

Actually…that not bad idea. Me always have jealousy toward cookie monster…perhaps your right @WrongSirWrong:disqus …this could be start of something wonderful…