
No Grandpa Borgnine leave light and hope for me please!

The original Law and Order did the ambiguity real well in some episodes. I still remember one where the prosecutions case was that a husband hired some guy to kill his wife, but they couldn't find any evidence he'd ever met/contacted the guy before. Then after the husband is found innocent they end up stumbling on

The one show I'm not entirely sure on is It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. The show practically goes out of its way to show the main cast to be amongst the most loathsome people on earth. (They make the cast of Seinfeld look like saints). But, if it doesn't exactly like its cast, I think they're sort of pitied in

I liked when they ran out of material in the Starfighters because of the roughly hour of refueling scenes. I can't even believe that thing is a movie. But I think the best part is that things have been so dire in it for so long, that you can almost taste their childish glee at the movie bringing out the Poopie

I have a ton of episodes on my IPod (which I named Crow T Robot, by the by).