Where Robin Williams also had a minor role, as a mime!
Where Robin Williams also had a minor role, as a mime!
Come on AV club! What do you have against Miles Fisher, first you neglect to mention him in the Final Destination 5 review, and now you ignore him as The Mantis?
Disregard, made that comment halfway through.
Well fuck.
He's already got the eyepatch, so it's not a remake.
As soon as I turned on NBC (on the one night a week I watch television) I was greeted with an awful Shrek holiday special where my Community should have been. I had no idea The Office was going to be on, but from the looks of things the night never really recovered.
I feel that live 30 rock was very funny, but very awful. The live studio audience was grating on me so hard. That and everyone was overly happy. Jack never smiles!
Who the hell is hyping these episodes? Stop seeking out information on upcoming TV, and then it's all a surprise!
Credits Blurb?
Was it me or was B.J. Novak's rant at the end very.. Scientology.
best quote.
As great as I am at this I'm not really needed! The last time I said that I was in a 3-way with 2 of the backstreet boys
If you've heard 'indie' you've heard this cd 1,000 times. Reminds me why I moved on to indie pop instead.
best part
My favorite part of The Parking Garage has to be the end when, as mentioned the car fails to start. Kramer gets out of the car, he just looks off into no where, and then gets back in.
She's like Carmen Electra back in the days of Battlebots, just a pair of breasts to get in the way of robot fighting.
He so grossly over-acted in The Interpreter that that alone almost made the film unwatchable (besides you know, being nigh-unwatchable as a movie.)