Electric Sex in the Window

This episode has inspired my 6yr old to add "malarkey" to his vocabulary, as he loves that it is a stealth bad word. Way too go Disney!

This episode has inspired my 6yr old to add "malarkey" to his vocabulary, as he loves that it is a stealth bad word. Way too go Disney!

"Mabel away!"

"Mabel away!"

Ebert posted a link to his Lucas review on Twitter and this assessment of Haim's performance is why the loss of Haim feels more poignant: "Lucas is played by Corey Haim, who was Sally Field's son in "Murphy's Romance," and he does not give one of those cute little boy performances that get on your nerves. He

@ba You forgot UnMichael - WWWAAALLLTTT!

When Becky was talking to Tami about being pregnant, I'm pretty sure she said she was only 16.

He loves her, but it's hard to tell whether it's as a sister-type or as more. He did seem to return the kiss given a couple of episodes ago, but was that because he liked the kiss or his old player ways?
I was relieved to see that the cops were there for the chop-shop and not because of under-age lovin'.

I'm worrying about many of the characters, especially Tami, long after the show has ended and I should be going about real life.
I give the writers a ton of credit for not just making Luke's mom an outright villain, you can see her genuine pain in what she perceives to be her loss. I just hate that she's

Mud Fight
That fight could have easily been over the top, but all I could think was that Tim was hitting his own dad. It's interesting that they are bringing up his daddy issues again, especially with Billy about to become a father. And then the ending with the mention of responsibility and the hint of settling