
I was there in Phx at celebrity theater for this taping as well as shows for Gaffigan and Kevin James. Not sure how it translates on to film, but live it really seems to work, it seems much more communal.

Very interesting you note somebody going out window.  Joan got a 5% voting share in the company.  With 5 partners (Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price, Campbell) that 5% vote doesn't swing anything, the money is the only real perk.  With 4 partners she becomes a tie-breaker and has MUCH more power. 

Very interesting you note somebody going out window.  Joan got a 5% voting share in the company.  With 5 partners (Sterling, Cooper, Draper, Price, Campbell) that 5% vote doesn't swing anything, the money is the only real perk.  With 4 partners she becomes a tie-breaker and has MUCH more power.