
erm, not sure how to say it, but there's some very heavy stuff towards the end of season 4. i was completely slaughtered psychologically by the last two episodes, so take care if you're feeling fragile.

Babysit me!

Marry me!

On Apocalypse: while I agree that Magneto is one of the better acted parts of the movie, weren't you fed up that it's now a third movie that's centered on his issues? Which are numerous and pretty heavy, but the repetition does not make for interesting viewing to me.

I went to the cinema to see the X-Men: Apocalypse and what a disappointment it turned out to be. I don't get why all the reboot movies must be focused on Magneto's trauma ONLY. I don't think they even named the other three horsemen. It was obvious which X-Men they were but JFC, to not even mention Ororo's name, that's

Helen Mirren for me.

The Hound, apparently. Just in time for Cleganebowl.

I binge watched Parks & Rec when I was depressed and it helped me manage the day to day stuff. It's still a great pick-me-up for me, I just never rewatch season 1.

I don't remember ever rage quitting a show over a death. Comics, yeah, several times, different titles & publishers (why would you kill off Lian Harper, DC Comics? she's not even a hero, just a cute girl).

Marathoned the second season of Young Justice: it so compelling that I just can't believe they are not making a third season. The setup for it is great, with Luthor, Apocalips & Savage, not to mention all the messy relationships between the team members after the events of the Invasion.