Gus the Mynah Bird

I saw him about a dozen years ago.. I am a huge Beatles fan, but I dreaded it, thinking he would be a shadow of his former self, I didn't want to be out late and have to go to work the next day, etc.
It was exactly as you described. A highlight of my concert going life. Now I say, I wouldn't have missed it for the

Will The Tittay Brothers open for them? Please say yes.

With This Is Us in the Hill Street Blues/LA Law/ER spot at 10.
That's Must See TV right there.

That performance has been seared in my brain since I was a teenager.

Thanks for the update. Fingers crossed!

What about Trial & Error?!

This was the best Modern Family episode in quite some time, years probably.

When Jack Black derides Belle & Sebastian as "sad bastard" music, I knew two things: 1) I hated Jack Black and 2) I needed to start listening to Belle & Sebastian.

I have to agree that Singles is the quintessential 90s movie, despite being released fairly early in the decade.

Stage dramas have been ruined for me because of Blood Crieth Unto Heaven.
I realized this after watching Fences this Oscar season.

I haven't seen this in 30 years, but if memory serves Linda Hamilton puts the moves on a guy after watching the Kongs mate with the line, "We're primates too."

I listened to it for the first time in years just a few weeks ago and it still has power. For example, "Venus in Furs" is so far away from anything happening in music 50 years ago that it boggles the mind.

"Rill Rill" was my ringtone for quite a while. I think it's perfect for an alert or an alarm. It's catchy and insistent without being obnoxious.

This may be my favorite movie of all time. I love the irony that everyone looks at Harry as the master of surveillance, but he fails time after time. He fails at his main assignment, Bernie Moran makes a fool out of him after the trade show, he can't find the bug in his apartment.

I liked Rebecca's line about it feeling like the carrot was still in the dip.

I'm looking forward to this one! Feel It Break felt like some underground 80s classic that I had somehow missed.

Cola de mono sounds amazing. I wonder if I can find aguardiente anywhere near Columbus?

There are houses in my neighborhood that are about 3,000 sq ft, so not big enough to be a McMansion, but the yards are so small that it looks as if the homeowners could hold hands by reaching through the windows. It's absurd looking.

McMansion Hell is funny and informative. I find that I learn a lot about architecture while I'm gawking at the ugly houses.

I have a weakness for some of the more obscure songs. Really though, this list could have thousands of permutations. So many great songs.