The State of Oklahoma

He's the one that faces the fate worse than death, perhaps?

This is an excellent point. I hadn't thought about it in those terms until I saw your post, but you're exactly right on. Unfortunately, as you point out, identifying the problem does not necessarily reveal an easy solution.

I was really scratching my head about Diggle's reaction - according to his memories, he's always had a son whom he presumably loves the same as he would have a daughter, so I just don't get why he's upset. I have a son, and if you told me that there's another timeline where he was a daughter, admittedly I would feel a

*The Color Pope-L*

And we know from the occasionally observed plot point that he needs a whole bunch of calories. You can't leave that on the table, so to speak.

I was really surprised at how much I liked HR.

If these shows were on FX they would have been two 98 minute episodes. They would not have covered any extra material, strangely.

Dude, you only need to hit 88 miles per hour. He's already got the Lightning power (1.21 gigawatts!)

This series really reminds me of The Leftovers, in that it takes an fantastical supposition as its framework (and I am talking here about the sci-fi element, not the overarching alternative history hypothetical) and then is utterly uninterested in exploring or explaining it. Rather, it simply wants to use it in the

On the other hand, it makes less sense to to tell Iris because they could absolutely trust her. They've only known Patty for, like, a few weeks - makes sense get to know her a bit first.

My question is why Kara was wearing glasses at the beginning of the series? She doesn't need glasses, and at that point, she didn't need a disguise either, so why bother?

Wait, iZombie doesn't exist in the same comic universe s Supergirl and Green Arrow, right?

Would have been crazy hilarious if it had turned out they had still had a physical relationship, though.

When Team Arrow first arrived at the campaign headquarters/lair, there was an exchange that I did not quite catch or understand – It was something like this:

So did Constantine have a relatively self-contained full run? I've thought about going back to catch up on it, but if it just stops in the middle of things, I'm not sure it's worth it.

Or why can't Matt just, you know, invite Damon and Stefan in? The whole point of killing Matt was so they could gain entrance, right? I must have missed something.

I actually missed that "Six Months Later" too, and was trying to figure out why Oliver was so broken up over Ronnie Raymond's death (I had just watched the Flash premiere). Once Oliver started crying I started the scene over and caught it, but I was really confused there for a bit.

I really like and agree with your analysis.

If anything, seeing Levi in this makes me wish it was "Chuck: Reborn."

Well, the people we're seeing are literally the "B" squad.