
I didn't find this book very funny at all, but it was very interesting, and Aziz's personality really came through. It was a pretty quick read, and the section about Japan was fascinating. I did feel like a bit of an "outsider" reading it, since although Aziz is not much younger than me, I don't have any experience

Annoying show, to be sure, and I definitely don't let my kid watch it. But, my friend's 2 year old had brain cancer (now in remission 5 years later), and it helped him to see a bald kid like him on TV. So…something redeeming about it…

Anyone else wonder how often this guy gets asked to help people move?

I think we must be in the minority here, because I loved Playmobil, and bought a bunch of sets for my kid, who loves them too. Our favorite is the shark photographer set, and it's so well-made that the shark's mouth works, and if you put the set in the bathtub, the shark is engineered to float so just its head is out

The "D" in DC does stand for Dothraki…

…those tales came from my boss. He insists we use WP, and yells at his clients when they send him Word docs. He also thinks "AOL' and "internet" are interchangeable words. Plus side: I never worry about anyone keeping tabs on my emails or history, because I don't think he knows that's possible.

That's not Xenu! It's actually…. *removes Xenu mask*

I guess "why buy the pickled herring if you can have it for free" just doesn't have the same appeal though. Because, seriously, does anyone ever want pickled herring even for free?