
Yes! I have watched the first episodes a couple times recently and was struck by how much the narrator was just narrating. I like it when he becomes more of a character.

I think he could still have the job. There was never a specific "No you didn't get the job." Plus this show could only be improved by adding more Dave Foley.

I too liked Brothers Bloom, I will concede that the beginning was much more awesome then the ending.

Not that I believe this but say that there is a God and he does pretty much what he says he does. So he has omnipotence, omniscience, omnipresence, and so on and so forth, basically he can be anywhere and do anything. If we accept this as fact then he can and probably does care about what happens in a stupid game like

Yeah I wish those Muslims would stop talking about how Muslim they are. "Allah Hu Akbar" give it a fucking rest.

I think Martin Crane needs to come out of retirement for one last case.

Also hard to have a legitimate talk about race when someone says that mostly white people do this or that.

And some people take everything wayyyyy too seriously.

This shit just got real…

Matt should just give up because there is no chance of him not being voted out again.

I mean at this point in the game Zapatera knows they lost and have known for the past couple of episodes. They are just getting more and more pissed off about it. I'm not saying I blame them but it is kinda childish to take someones clothes and hide them. If I were in tribal council when all this rice shit went down I

I mean obviously it was the networks doing, but I meant more to the extent of how obvious it was.

I wonder if this is the networks doing… Like we will renew your show but you have to have really obvious commercials for whatever shit we give you.

This whole Bellivia stuff may have seemed trivial, but hey it only lasted two episodes really so I can't complain. It was a nice detour with Torv's Nimoy and some animated weirdness.

I completely agree. While this show had moments that worked and some that didn't (I was kinda getting tired of the animation by the end of the show) I want Fringe to be a show isn't afraid to say "Fuck it, let's animate the shit out of our characters".

If I were to vote for Ralph I would go with RALTH. I think he would smile.

I disagree, Rob being voted off would make for one compelling episode and then the rest of the episodes would be boring as hell. This whole season has been all about Rob and if he gets voted out then there is no one else to root for because everyone else sucks.

At this point in the game if anyone else wins it will be through sheer dumb luck.

I Am Fat
… And American, won't some kind British person please come save me?