
Please, Binky, no more! I'll do anything you say!

Pia Zadora. Jermaine Jackson.

I can say I disagree with your points, but I still find that I can enjoy the Good Guys anyway. Although, that scene in the car with Walter, where Jack suddenly decides to have him drive over the bridge, I couldn't help but think: Doesn't anyone in that car have a cell phone?

I know it's just a show, and I shouldn't think too hard about it—but I really wanted to know what happened after the cops found all those uniform-clad bodies in the cemetery. Would anybody make the connection? Would Our Heroes be somewhat vindicated? Or would a grizzled old groundskeeper stumble across the scene

I just bought this game
And I am committed to losing >100 hours of my life to it.

I kind of like the fact that the apparent backing-off after the speech was all part of the plan. The "Remember me, and how awesome I am?" speech is a staple of the new series, and I wonder if this isn't Moffett's way of taking the piss out of it a little bit. I'm all for the Doctor getting a few "hell yeah!" moments

God's Sick of the Bullshit - A Short Film:

We've seen the mind-mend thing before, but never the headbutt version. I guess that's what you get if you're not Madame du Pompadour.

Well, not *all* artists are attention whores… just the ones we've actually heard of. The guy in the basement might never put out what he's done; no audience, no critics.

RE: Suits vs. Bugs. I think it might have also come down to time, since all that stuff takes forever to render, and there may not have been enough computing power available to get it all done in the timeframe they wanted, at least without having to pay more than a studio would be comfortable with, even for a

If Verhoeven had made Dr Strangelove, it would have probably looked almost identical to Failsafe. But with more naked breasts.

If Verhoeven had made Dr Strangelove, it would have probably looked almost identical to Failsafe. But with more naked breasts.

Well, in a sense Heinlein served the war effort by working at the Naval Air Experimental Station during WWII, but he wasn't an officer of the line or directly involved in combat or anything.

This came out when I was in high school. It was one of a friend of mine's favorite movie. He also loved blasting Rage Against The Machine while driving around in his parents' minivan.

I think in the original Japanese series, Godkinggolion (Voltron) was a megalomaniac. Does that count as an emotional problem?

I too had one of the many bootleg Bart shirts that showed him dressed up in a Lakers' uniform. Somehow I don't think the Lakers got any royalties on it either.

You know, this is the 2nd time Banks has played a woman who got pregnant in a sitcom… maybe it's in her contract?

Or all those shit-faced, swerve-driving mothers in MADD.

"It'll be fun!"

And what about Grape Nuts? No grapes. No nuts. What's the deal???