

I've enjoyed season six so far, but something felt a bit off about this one. It did remind me of the gas leak year quite a bit. B-

Internet, enough is enough. Your mother and I are sending you to military school.

Get a job Internet, and quit flinging poop emojis everywhere.

I'm ok with this.

A great record indeed, and probably the greatest album cover he put out.

Aw hell, I forgot about Game of Tones. How could you?! Also, 'The Sting' for me.

Oh man… films or television hardly ever make me cry, but that ending gets me every time.

You people are monsters. 2-4-3-1-5

Oh is that what it is? Brilliant.

I love Bodie's struggle with Philly radio, driving to pick up some drugs and listening to some nature show about caterpillars.

Fortunately, this comment made it worthwhile. You got lucky this time, Internet.

I caught the last half of this on telly when I was a kid, and it blew my tiny mind. Then I suddenly remembered it, and spent years (half-arsedly) trying to find out what the hell it was called. So yay.

I can't help but respect your dedication to the noble art of fuck-yous, yet I still suspect you are something of an asshat.

The original is one of the greatest songs of all time, in my view. This cover is just ghastly. Sorry.

Apparently this film features the largest pretzel that Stephen Fry is aware of, which does intrigue me a wee bit.

Phew! I was almost worried that wouldn't be the first comment.

I need help reacting to something.