is it about my cube

Your placement was stone perfect. HAL bless you, spambot.

comedic moments in the War On Drugs

From, or on? Because the latter is just a slightly difficult target, but the former means you have serious problems.

I think the AVC gave a good review to a non-fiction book about him (the scientist, not Crowley) a long time (10+) years ago. Does anyone remember that? I never did write down the title.

They didn't want it to get closed down.

My big sister bought a bunch of dress clothes for when she started doing rounds as a third year med student, which was my introduction to that crap. My head exploded when I found out she'd paid $80, which was the sale price, for a pair of pants with no pockets.

I'd watch that.

I didn't see that, and am morbidly curious.

Similarly, Scott Walker will always be the musician, even though it's not his real name.

My complaint that adding a "share the road" sign does not magically make a street wide enough to simultaneously accommodate both a car and a bike has suddenly taken on new metaphorical weight.

This is America, learning from past mistakes is for beta cucks!!

I support this new term.

As I've said before, Christie is the same type of person as Blago: the guy who thinks he's the Don, but is actually the guy who gets whacked halfway through the first season.

I can be disappointed by two things.

Avatar aside, I'm not a hardcore Trekkie/er, but still, just great seeing another good thing go to shit.

It's poop all the way down.

And a dung drama.

Damn it!

Much as I hate to side with Gibson, if the lawsuit charges are accurate, these people really did screw the pooch.

I was naked on a beach in Ibiza in 1988.