
I totally agree about Mary Blair. She's really the main reason I'm buying this. I even got all excited about the promise of their being boring footage of the artists touring South America, because I know it will feature her.

Okay Nathan, here's why I think you should give Monkeybone a shot:

It's your lucky day!
Cool World's already been covered.

Ah, I thought I might be coming across much snottier than I meant to. Thanks for calling me on that, Clarknova. I used the admittedly annoying "one" thing b/c I was trying not to call out Veronica personally. Obviously that didn't work too well.

A flash of blinding light, and we're in an elegantly appointed doctor's office.
It seems that Dr. Aaron Butterfly wants to dip us in plaster and use us for bookends.
We say to the doctor, "No! Please! No!"
And then we get the doctor's bill. What a shock!
$16,000 and all he wanted to do was dip us in plaster!

Of course you're not the only one.
If everyone liked them, then their sound could hardly be original, could it?
If one wants music smoothed out to appeal to as many people as humanly possible, then one has only to turn to High School Musical or something like that. Not to say that that's your taste or anything.
So by

I'll miss Jaslene
Oh my god, Amelie!
There was one beautiful moment last night when Jaslene was recounting her magical winning moment to the girls and said,
"I was just like, 'Oh my god, God!"
So beautiful. You can't make lines that good up.

The Face of a Retarded Brat
1974 also gave us Female Trouble, which really is John Waters' masterpiece.
This is such a trashy little gem. It's really become one of my big favorites in recent years.
I know it gets a bit tedious by the end, but at it's best it's so marvelous. And so quotable.

Say what you want about Steven…
…but he was awesome on 3rd Rock from the Sun.

Hey Kids!
Here's a fun fact!
Did you know that It's a Small World was designed by a legally blind artist who drank herself to death a decade later?
Just remember her and smile the next time your boat grinds to a halt because of your fat ass.

Um, yeah and "C" seems pretty high too. Sounds like it's at least a "D"

I'm going to miss this review too. Nicely done.
But hey, everyone's focusing on Amanda's Milkshake, which was great, but nothing compared to her little sign language/f-off/curse hand gesture thing she did to Cliff when Mark dumped him. That was fucking hillarious. She really is the funniest actor on the show.

her, I mean

Probably because of here increasing "realsizeness"

Bianca: Bearer of Bad News/Bitch
"I don't want to be, like, the bearer of bad news or, like, the bitch"
Man, that was by far the best line of the night. That one got repeated at my house a few times last night.

Fangs Ruin Any Cute Pout
Man, Bloodletting brought some memories rushing back from High School.
But I was kinda surprised not to see Translvanian Concubine by Rasputina on the list. Awesome lovely vampire song.

Yeah, and swaped out and put perfectly in place in about 10 seconds. That's still hard even w/ the magic of glue. It's an in-camera shot and it's flawless.

Quitters are Such a Turn-off
So yet again the first girl to speak solo to the camera at the beginning of the episode is the one to go home.
I really want to watch this regularly and pay attention to this to see if it keeps holding up.
Also, I think that Tyra actually said, "nothing is more unattractive to me than a