Future Man

Interesting article. The criterion that an album has to be hyped beforehand and then live up to said hype is interesting, mostly because I think a lot of otherwise "important" and seminal albums came out of nowhere, some being debuts and others were from moderately-known artists who were propelled to a new height by

In the scene regarding the Commodore's will he makes sure that if he dies his kid will inherit the property. Also, he makes sure that the kid knows that it is okay to go somewhere where Memaw doesn't know about it. Still, can't believe he'd leave his kid with his mom. Here's hoping Richard offs her! (I think he

My immediate reaction to the seven snakes was the seven deadly sins…it ties in to the religious aspect and the intestines would take care of gluttony. I hope this isn't the case because it just seems so played out.

@ Felt Pelt
The Rum Diary has been coming out in October for the last decade I feel like. I'll believe it when I see it. I hear Dr. Dre's Detox is gonna be the soundtrack.

Burton didn't direct Nightmare Before Christmas. Can we please stop giving him credit for it? He wrote it but didn't direct it. That is all.

Kings of Leon. If you don't like it, you can go to hell.

The Streets isn't grime. It's garage. Grime is usually 140 bpm and has a dark feel to it…and I don't think Mike Skinner pretended he wasn't middle class, dunno where in the lyrics you would get that.
You can't really compare his 'flow' to what you would be used to hearing in rap/grime because he isn't doing either,

My favorite album of the year. Just sayin'.

Fucked Up
Why isn't the new Fucked Up album up for the award? It's pretty great..

Fucked Up
Why isn't the new Fucked Up album up for the award? It's pretty great..

I'll defend 'Picture'. That's a good song.. If Johnny Cash writes that song my sentiments would be universally held.

I like XMU, I think it does a good job of pushing the up and coming bands to a bigger mass of people. Seeing as how "regular" radio won't do this, I am glad these bands have an outlet other than blogs (which is still the best way to find these new bands). Plus, I love Fogelnest.

Yeah or what about that time that one celebrity did that thing that confirms the rumors about them?

Looks like he's been hiding in a compound for the last few years…

Looks like he's been hiding in a compound for the last few years…

Oh dear god I fucking HATE the education connection commercials. And now that I have read your comment the song will be on repeat in my head for the remainder of the day. The only other commercials that compete are the truck commercials (dodge?) where they have a voice of god and throw shifting words on the screen

So it is basically
A take on VH1's The Fabulous Life of…
except instead of one person it is
The Fabulous Life of…Old White Guys