
Listler and Wompler? I'd completely forgotten about this, gotta check it out now..

Never had the words for it, but you're exactly right. Every superhero show before Arrow/Flash was self conscious. Part of that can probably be put on the effects and not having the budget to really translate certain things from the comics (Heroes had a similar problem) but it does seem so much of it is scared to

Grodd!!! Not gonna lie, the Arrow/Flash writers sure know how to do fan service just right, holy crap.

Best episode of the season for me, though that's not saying much. Hopefully they keep some forward momentum in the last few episodes, give this show an ending worthy of its higher quality earlier seasons.

Felicity looked a bit like Death when she was goth, and as soon as I saw the next episode focuses on dreams, my first thought was pure excitement for the chance the Endless could cameo or just flat out show up in a dream sequence next episode!!