I gave it an A for Awesomest Ocelot is Babou.
I gave it an A for Awesomest Ocelot is Babou.
"RAWR! I'm Courtney, the turtle-headed dinosaur!"
Have you ever seen such a beautiful site
Where if you quote the Simpsons, you're always right
Have you ever been a part of such a wonderful club
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Whether you think that COMMUNITY SUCKS
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The AV Club is here to help with your cause
We only…
The Monstars stole his super powers!
I hope Chronicle learns to use his car crushing powers for good, not evil.
Is you taking notes on a Chronicle fucking conspiracy?!
The trailer made it look like it could go either way.
What if we hate all four of them, save select Strokes and Killers?
This is actually a relatively comprehensible Hyden article.
Tramps like you were born with the cancerAIDS.
I'll throw Ann a bone, And give her something to do.
It's Parcher night!
Well, heaven forbid we would get the Big Yellow Bird of TV writers. (you know who I'm talking about)
Bite your tongue, Amelie! Uggie deserves every bit of exposure he gets! He's been through a lot and worked hard to get where he is, just read his Wikipedia bio:
I will not buy that for a dollar.
I can get you a toe, dude. Hell, I can get you a toe by 3 o'clock this afternoon.
I'm a pretty idle pervert.
I've heard about that album. Who's producing again?
Well, I'll need to make some space.
[throws an original Manet in the dumpster]
That should do it.
[continues goose and caviar luncheon]