Solomon Vandy

I can't believe they've dragged Laura Powers into this mess.

What colour are Spanish people usually?

Hasn't she already been on several more popular late night shows? Or is this a Dennis Declaudio joke I'm not getting?

The ironing is delicious.

There were several mentions of sexual harassment before his comment, not the mention the actual article. The writer clearly says that the whole 'smile' things is sexual harassment against women. In the TV review of this episode, I and other men mentioned that we get it all the time - from women.

Twerps, and Dan Kelly.

Examples? I was 7 years old in 95. The only good bands I can think of from that era are You Am I and Smudge. Please don't say Regurgitator.

I hate how females think people telling them to smile is sexist. I'm a male and strangers say 'smile' to me all the time, and every time it's been a girl who's said it.

That's not even Michael Nesmith's real hat!

Hey, there's a lemon behind that rock.

Put it in h!

Can I ask how old you were when you had them? I was 23. I literally thought I was dying.

'The Outdoor Type' was written by Tom Morgan by the much better band 'Smudge', Evan co-wrote most of the album 'It's a shame about ray' with Tom while we was living in Australia. 'Alison is starting to happen' is about Smudge's drummer. check out one of their songs: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

Ben Mendelsohn and Noah Taylor were both in my all time favourite Australian movies 'The Year my voice broke' check it out!