
Will all my favorite characters end up in an oubliette?

Nina's death scene felt straight out of a Lars von Trier film.

I really hope they don't cut the swimming lessons.

Seriously, that accent was perfect. Where the fuck did it go?

He's trying to push her to get back with Stan. If their marriage repairs itself, so does his friendship with Stan.

This didn't read as "if you keep going, she'll like it". This read as the both of them working out their marital tension through rough sex, and it read as something they've done before. As she mentioned literally while it was happening, this kind of behavior is why she was attracted to him in the first place.

I would never say that and it wasn't remotely that kind of situation.

"Rape culture-promoting sex scene"? Some of us girls like it rough. She was specifically talking about her attraction to him as he was doing it. I read everything as totally consensual, and probably the type of play they've engaged in before.

Yes, they heavily implied it at PaleyFest.

You're right. The reviewer/certain commenters are speculating on that one. If you listen to the podcast, the writers agree that Stacey's reacting this way due to trauma. It does come off in a suspicious way, and I can't tell whether that's intentional on the part of the actress or she's just bad at depicting PTSD.

I definitely teared up at several moments throughout the episode. Weirdly, that breakup scene with Clifford was one of them. Emotional whiplash, since I'd been laughing so hard like ten seconds earlier.

So when Gene inevitably gets picked up by the cops in Nebraska, is Kim going to be his defense attorney? Or maybe she's going to be the one to report him, after she runs into him while visiting family back homeā€¦

There was a childhood flashback that was cut in S1, but I guess it was left in the screeners.

I got the impression it wasn't a legality issue, but Davis & Main fastidiousness at play.

Good for you.

It's a goddamn tragedy that Aaron Paul will never play Han Solo.

That would be supernaturally impressive, given that a stroke leaves pretty distinctive lesions on the brain.

Most degenerative conditions would present differently and require Hector to be receiving more aggressive and constant medical care than what was shown, especially when he was living alone with no one but Tuco to care for him. A stroke, on the other hand, would leave him paralyzed by generally stable.

This is correct. They are twins.

It's a flashback of Jimmy and Chuck as kids.