Wallace Shawn

best line
his line "you were dealing with people who had no idea what they were doing, but had no idea that they had no idea what they were doing" reminds me of the prayer from the last Hitchhiker's novel. very Douglas Adamsy.

In 2004 I did some business consulting for Blockbuster. When I visited their corporate headquarters in the shithole known as Dallas Texas I did fear for my life.

Thanks to everyone
Now I know what movies I will be watching in 6 months delivered straight to my home for the low-low price of $20 a month.

the sound you are hearing is the sound of Tasha Robinson installing another deadbolt in her front door.

Penny Marshall must die!!
whoops. sorry, wrong feature.

poor fella
He's definitely did not have a pleasant valley sunday.

Tom Waits
Robert Goulet's manager Vera should tell him to Shut Up!

Douchebags Part Dou
Motocross and talk radio. The two lowest forms of entertainment.

please also add 'nuff said to the list of things to never, ever use again.

from the look on his face
those frappuccinos have roofies in them and he's going to maulest those CGI chipmunks.

Shiny Moments
Sounds like an American Dental Association cross-marketing scam to me. I'll bet there's an add for Crest White Strips.

Deja Vu
Wait, you mean he wasn't the imprisoned twin brother of Louis XIV?