
I see Paula's issue with Greg as mainly stemming from her obsession with Josh and Rebecca getting together - she sees Greg as a threat to the "happily ever after" she's envisioned. That incredibly cruel speech she gave him at the courtroom door drove home that she only cares about Josh and Rebecca and to hell with

A future option could feel shoehorned in and never quite mesh with the rest of the cast, but it might work in the right hands. On Parks and Rec, Adam Scott didn't come in until the end of the second season, but he fit in so well that it didn't take long for it to feel like he'd always been there. Now, Parks and Rec

Whither White Josh? If I don't get my Whitejoshfeather fix next week, I'm going to be angry mad.

I also think Gabriel getting glanders might be a setup. They really tried to drive home the "this is very dangerous stuff that isn't being stored properly" point, but I still find it highly unlikely that Gabriel caught it. Yeah, bubble wrap and an Altoids tin isn't the same as being hermetically sealed, but I can't

They don't. Plenty of stores keep them unrefrigerated. (I can't believe I'm responding to a post about produce islands in the '80s, but here we are.)

I remember reading old comic books from the '70s that always had ads for wigs. It seemed to be more socially acceptable to wear a wig then, maybe? Or she could easily make up a story about covering up a bad haircut or whatever.

My out-there theory is that the FBI (CIA?) is going to try and get Anton back (hence the conversation between Stan and Oleg about how the government wants "someone else" more than Nina, and I think there was another small hint later in the episode too that I'm forgetting) and he's going to sacrifice himself so Nina

Was it her husband? I thought it was her brother, and Elizabeth was using the wine conversation to get a little flirty with him.

I don't agree that Anakin's fall was a "sudden psychosis," although like most things in the prequels it wasn't handled terribly well or convincingly. His turn to the dark side was heavily foreshadowed when he murdered the Sand People in Episode II - and even before then, with his general recklessness/brashness and

Oh man did I want to shake Hera for most of this episode. I get that she was relieved to finally feel like the crew has a safe, secure base and doesn't have to be on the run all the time, but um, YOU are the interloper on this planet, and now you're insisting on killing one of its native species because it didn't like

Santino Fontana sings great and has a very sexy speaking voice. Having only known him as Hans from Frozen before this show, I was really surprised to see him in person. He's decent-looking, but the way characters on the show describe him, you'd think he was Josh or something, and he's not. So I think it's the voice,

Oh, my kids (6 and 4) loooove Chopper.

That really bothered me. Like, they already told Chopper he couldn't get the leg, and then Ezra and Zeb rubbed it in his face like assholes. At least Ezra was the one to be pushing for Chopper's rescue later on, redeeming himself a bit.

Agree about Hera's comments about Chopper. They didn't strike me as anything but mom-style grousing about her "kid" being kind of a dick (but she loves him anyway).

Yeah, I'm surprised by the hate for this one. My only real issue was how gleefully violent Chopper was for an ostensible protagonist on a kids show. (Did he actually beat the officer to death at the end?) AP-5's war story and fall from grace was genuinely tragic and moving. (Although his voice creeped me out a bit -

One minor correction - in "Beach House," Hannah doesn't say that Adam asks for nothing and gives her everything, she says that he asks for nothing so SHE gives him everything. (I was watching it recently and that line stood out for me.) She was reacting to Marnie telling her that she had expectations for Hannah but

Are you thinking of Elisabeth Moss (Peggy Olsen)? Elizabeth Olsen isn't a Scientologist. According to Wikipedia she's been an atheist since she was a teen.

Yeah, that was the beginning of the end for me too. I watched a few episodes after that but it was just too much.

And when Tara was eventually killed for good in the final season, it was done off-screen and it wasn't initially clear that she was really dead…I didn't even like Tara, but it was so disrespectful to a character that had been around since the beginning and put up with all of Sookie's shit (and got turned against her

Every time Ahsoka appears on this show I just want to give her a hug. She's so sad. Her vision of Anakin/Vader was easily the best thing about this episode.