
Yeah, that was ridiculous. I liked the guys all working on an invention together, and I hope it comes up again later (I really enjoyed those episodes where Leonard and Sheldon were working on that theory - Leonard is so much more tolerable when he's talking about astrophysics, and Johnny Galecki actually sells his

Exactly what I was thinking…that episode was AWFUL.

Izzy was a non-entity. All her big storylines, aside from Denny, just seemed to peter out. Remember when she and George hooked up and destroyed his marriage and then they were over two episodes later? Remember when she definitely didn't have a brain tumor but then it actually was a brain tumor? Remember when Alex was

I don't know if that was a reference to Hera telling Cham about Kanan, though, since she and Cham were estranged? I figured his reputation preceded him or whatever.

The music and visuals in the maelstrom scene were absolutely incredible - I wasn't expecting something that beautiful and haunting from this show (those violins, or maybe violas, gave me chills). Aside from that, I found the whole prophecy nonsense extremely boring. It would have been nice if Zeb figured out on his

I agree that it's just a relic. Vader is his grandfather and he idolizes him and clearly wants to follow in his footsteps. The big question for me is where he got it. I'm just not sure that's something Luke would have kept, unless as a reminder not to let the Dark Side take over again.

I replied to another comment on here about how I don't think Han was trying to commit suicide (unlike Obi-Wan, who knew death would make him more powerful), and I do think he thought there was some chance of saving Ben/Ren. But this is Han we're talking about - he's not an idiot, and I think he knew there was a good

I loved the movie, but one of my biggest concerns was the fact that even after the events of ROTJ, an Empire-like entity is still able to gain control of the galaxy. While this does make sense realistically, given the power vacuum and likely chaos after the death of the Emperor and Vader (I've wondered for many years

It's also not a fair comparison because Obi-Wan allowed himself to be killed by Vader so that he could become a Force ghost and guide Luke. He wanted to die because it would make him more powerful. Han, I think, genuinely (if misguidedly) thought he might be able to save his son and get out of there alive. He had no

I only started watching in the fourth or fifth season, but I think Sheldon's virginity was well established. He just never saw a need for sex or whatever. He started going out with Amy because they were going to have a brilliant child, but he wasn't even planning to have sex with her to conceive it.

This was surprisingly lovely. I always figured when Sheldon had sex it would be for cheap laughs, but they nailed it here, no pun intended. It really was a great choice to replace the obvious "conflict" setup (whether or not to skip the movie) with the more emotionally resonant issue of being ready to have sex and how

Doesn't Cavil go off on Ellen at one point (maybe this is in "The Plan," I can't remember) for making him old and decrepit while all the other Cylons are hot young (or young-ish) things? I loved that.

I guess there is the question of what happened to Charlie, not that anyone cares.

He's been doing it with a fake Facebook profile!

The stabbing was in the training flashbacks, so way before the bombing. After Alex got Liam to talk about the events surrounding him and her dad, she went to Miranda to corroborate, and that's when Miranda got stabbed. We know Miranda recovers because she's fine in the present, months later.

Ha, I also thought of The Fugitive when Miranda said "Charlie." Maybe she was stabbed and he was kidnapped by those people who were contacting him, and she was trying to tell Alex that she needs to find him.

Wait, I thought the mean twin was the competent one? I'm so confused by this.

And it made even less sense that Simon got all teary and told Elias he was going to miss him. Really? You had, like, one special moment after weeks of this guy snooping around you and being a threatening dick, and suddenly you're crying because he's leaving? Why?

Shelby's hair extensions are so distracting that I don't remember anything else about her scenes in the training flashbacks.

It's possible, but Natalie also has a kid with some guy, so I don't think she's Ryan's ex. It would have been mentioned, too (and I wonder if they would have been put at Quantico together, although this show isn't exactly gunning for accuracy).