
This episode was just awful, and I've been trying to love this show despite its badness. Miranda's training op was so ridiculous even for this show (it made the party-crashing episode look intelligent), and the "moral" at the end made no sense. The cliche soap opera dialogue…made so much worse by Shelby's little meta

Quantico training takes less than six months. It's something like 4-5 months.

Oooh, thanks for reminding me! I got excited when I saw his name in the credits that one week, but then I forgot about it because I didn't see him in the actual episode. I must have missed his face, but yeah - my money's now on "more happening there." At least I assume there will be flashbacks.

What I mean is, everyone thinks he's gay (and Nimah definitely thinks so since she brought it up in his polygraph), but when the twins were talking about Simon, the one was telling the other to go for it and neither of them even mentioned the fact that he's gay (at least as far as they know). If he had said he were bi

What's strange is that Nimah and Raina talk about one of them being into Simon and the other telling her to go for it…which makes no sense if he's gay.

I'm sad this storyline is over, because it probably means less Elias. Maybe he can start a new arc where he starts trying to prove that straight recruits are actually gay.

It's actually been almost 10 months, because Quantico training is about five months long, and they've been agents for five months already. No way a glorified papercut that required nothing more than a Band-Aid is even a faint scar after close to a year, much less a fresh-looking wound like that one. Maybe the next

Exactly, because what is going to happen to him when the FBI finds out he point blank lied? (Answer: let's be honest, absolutely nothing and unless he's the terrorist, they'll make him out to be a hero.) The whole thing would make much more logical sense if he was like, "I don't know who shot me, but it definitely

While the actress playing Nimah/Raina is one of the better parts of this show, they better have a damn good explanation for why the FBI is keeping the twin thing a secret from the trainees. They've made it pretty clear that they have them lined up for some identical-twin-needing mission, but unless the mission is

She trusts Simon so much that she makes the utterly classic mistake of leaving him out as a suspect! Unless it's revealed that, PLOT TWIST, she was lying about that. Which, on this show, I wouldn't be surprised.

I'm willing to suspend my disbelief for stuff like this, but the idea that the FBI, which has spent ridiculous amounts of money interviewing and investigating each one of these recruits (not to mention the ones that didn't make it to training), would kick someone out within 24 hours for not figuring out a "secret"

In the present the guy who was questioning Alex said something to Liam about "what happened between you two at the academy," but I think it's going to have to do with her dad, rather. When she confronted Liam as she was being arrested he made a reference to her not liking what he found out about her dad, so I think

The agents indicated, though, that they didn't know the secret (aside from what Eric said about not meaning for her to die). The blonde Southern woman (can't remember her name) said "whatever he did" and in the briefing with all the recruits later the Malawian girl/abortion wasn't mentioned. Unless they found out

He's the equivalent of Alex on Grey's Anatomy. The guy who is just ALWAYS a total dick for no good reason, but has some sad backstory and occasionally shows a glimmer of humanity.

I liked the Watson flashback - for me, this one scene said way more about her motivations than her entire flashback episode in s1. All I took from that episode was that she was horribly self-destructive for no real reason, and her descent into serious crime didn't seen believable. Now I can really see more of where

Yeah, that bothered me because she's otherwise so level-headed. She sees through everyone's shit, but not Healy's?

I'm terrified of what might happen to sweet Maritza. I was so hoping he would quit or something so we don't have to continue to see his awfulness next year. Maybe he'll quit off-camera…

They did have a brief glimpse at Healy's early life in the first episode of this season. His mother was drunk and crazy.

I thought I heard her saying that she wouldn't have sex with him the first time because it wasn't real Mountain Dew (looked like a generic knockoff) but eventually relented. She did say she would have sex for money or Mountain Dew.

Similarly, I laughed at Victor's repeated insistence that that mythical language or whatever couldn't possibly exist - dude, you bring dead bodies back to life, but a devil language is impossible? Okay.