
What bothers me about the rape plot is that it's turned from what was (to me) a pretty respectful and honest way of dealing with the complicated emotions of a rape survivor, to a blatant excuse to let Mary get with Conde. I'm not going to argue that a rape survivor SHOULD or SHOULDN'T do something, because everyone's

Leith's herpes - haha!
Is that why his mustache is so long? Dude…trim that thing.

For sure. They need to end this thing now. This has gone on more than twice as long as Mary and Bash, and that was a WAY more interesting pairing.

Disappointing that Leith couldn't make it more than an episode and a half of redeeming himself before I hated him again. It's going to be awwwwkward when he tells Greer he got her marriage annulled without her consent. And for what - to stop Claude from coming on to him? Uh, knowing Claude I don't think she's going to

Littlefinger 2.0! Yes.

A problem this show has is that it has such incredibly strong female characters (and characters in general) in Mary and Catherine, that no one else can even hope to aspire to their greatness. They seem to be pushing the idea of Lola as this savvy spitfire who's Narcisse's equal, but I just can't quite believe it when,

Yeah - as cast out as Diane is I'm sure she still has a retinue. It would be really weird if NO ONE ever asks about her whereabouts.

This is why I need to watch it again!

Will they reconcile, though? I need to go back and watch the prophecy again, but I seem to recall that she actually acted a bit pissy/not wanting to be there during that scene. I think I was even wondering at the time if they had a falling out at some point and she was only talking to him out of obligation.

Apparently it took a potential Lola/Conde pairing for me to finally be on board with Lola/Narcisse. Seriously, though, it's getting kinda weird how obsessed Narcisse is with baths and water. I'm preeetty sure he only went into Catherine's room because he saw her in passing and was all, "IS THAT A VERTICAL BATH? So

Yeah, that didn't seem right to me either. S1 Diane was calculating and a bit conniving with the whole legitimization thing but she always knew she was Henry's favorite and she seemed content with that. I was surprised that they made her out to be so tempestuous, I can't remember seeing that side of her before.

I really hope this is the end of Catherine's dead-twins visions. She just hasn't been fun at all since they began (unacceptable that the funniest line about poisoning in this episode was said by Ghost Henry). Freaked out, paranoid Catherine < sassy, in-control Catherine.

It would have been SO AMAZING if at the end we learned that the wood Francis has been bringing to Mary's room WAS FROM HIS OWN FIREPLACE and that he's been freezing at night so she can have it. Because LOVE.

It could be, though, that with the benefit of distance and hindsight she's realized that Henry never really respected her and actually did treat her pretty shittily. I mean, the nicest thing he ever did for her was write her name in sparklers on the lawn. Plus, he really turned on her at the end and that's the last

I didn't really see it as using their gayness to blackmail them. Sure, I guess they wouldn't have been able to be blackmailed in that particular way if they hadn't been gay, but to me blackmailing them for being gay would have been "I'll tell the Vatican on you if you don't recant." I thought Francis's speech about

I don't think he's supposed to be a dick. I think he's supposed to be a wounded, spurned romantic hero who is probably Greer's true love. Like I said above, though, this conversation was just so blatantly douchey than even a Leith apologist like me wanted to punch him in the face.

I've never really seen the Castleroy appeal like some commenters here (yeah, yeah, he's sweet and all, but Leith *swoon*), and the stupid romantic in me has been rooting for Greer/Leith, but that conversation more or less ended it for me. What an insufferable dick to keep angrily INSISTING she's jealous even when she,

Conde's reaction to Mary's knife was by far his best reaction/line reading yet. Ugh, I am so not a fan of that guy.

I don't think they've ever implied real feelings with Bash/Claude. Sounds like for him it was nothing more than a youthful affair, and for her it was a fun power trip because she was able to manipulate him into thinking they weren't related. Given that, I'm sure she'll be able to manipulate Kenna into believing

If Narcisse were blackmailing Mary he would have been long dead by now. Francis is pathetic.