
I know very little about the military, but is it really that much of a secret where you're being deployed unless you're in some sort of covert operation?  I tangentially know a few people whose husbands are deployed, and I think they at least know what country they're in.

I don't like that there's now a character named Manny when I already called Abby Manny.

I don't like that there's now a character named Manny when I already called Abby Manny.

See, I'm sympathetic to Kal even though I know I shouldn't be.  Maybe it's because Andra Fuller can absolutely devastate me when given a proper script.

See, I'm sympathetic to Kal even though I know I shouldn't be.  Maybe it's because Andra Fuller can absolutely devastate me when given a proper script.

You give a prize for lamest storyline and somehow forget to mention "Kal's dad finally expresses pride in his son before he's felled by a (spoiler alert, since it was in the preview for next week) stroke"? AND it was revealed by the flirty love interest picking up his phone pretending to be Kal, and then silently

You give a prize for lamest storyline and somehow forget to mention "Kal's dad finally expresses pride in his son before he's felled by a (spoiler alert, since it was in the preview for next week) stroke"? AND it was revealed by the flirty love interest picking up his phone pretending to be Kal, and then silently

Oh and one more thing about Kal/Tariq - if Tariq were a woman, yes, I think Kal would be condemned as Chris Brown has been, even if he's been far more sincere in his apologies. But because Tariq is a man, definitely not.

Oh and one more thing about Kal/Tariq - if Tariq were a woman, yes, I think Kal would be condemned as Chris Brown has been, even if he's been far more sincere in his apologies. But because Tariq is a man, definitely not.

I thought it was a reference to her having played a waitress in a movie, as she told the owner - like, she played some harried, bitchy diner waitress and that's the only way she knew to act the part.

I thought it was a reference to her having played a waitress in a movie, as she told the owner - like, she played some harried, bitchy diner waitress and that's the only way she knew to act the part.

But Kevin gets the better lines - "And they overcharged us, too."

But Kevin gets the better lines - "And they overcharged us, too."

Ha! You're absolutely right - I apologize.

Ha! You're absolutely right - I apologize.

You have to admire her chutzpah, introducing her real agenda not 30 seconds after opening the test results. Luckily for her, Connor is too fragile to care.

You have to admire her chutzpah, introducing her real agenda not 30 seconds after opening the test results. Luckily for her, Connor is too fragile to care.

I'm so mad at my DVR for spoiling Nick's firing in the episode synopsis, even though you could see it coming. Poor guy. I'm excited that next week it seems like we'll get confirmation that Sabrina's parents are loaded - not sure why it hasn't come up before, with her having that great apartment with no roommates and

I'm so mad at my DVR for spoiling Nick's firing in the episode synopsis, even though you could see it coming. Poor guy. I'm excited that next week it seems like we'll get confirmation that Sabrina's parents are loaded - not sure why it hasn't come up before, with her having that great apartment with no roommates and

I don't think Dynasty is really gone. Okay, let me rephrase that: I pray Dynasty is not really gone.