
Best line of the show so far, and that's saying something.  I'm still laughing.

I really like it too, and I never watched Gilmore Girls.  Well, I watched a couple episodes in the beginning and a few in the middle somewhere (during the Jess era), and I liked it enough, but never really got into it. The comments here - and this show in general - make me feel like maybe I should give it another

I really like it too, and I never watched Gilmore Girls.  Well, I watched a couple episodes in the beginning and a few in the middle somewhere (during the Jess era), and I liked it enough, but never really got into it. The comments here - and this show in general - make me feel like maybe I should give it another

Yeah, I've been in both Ginny's and Boo's shoes, and while Ginny did come across as pretty insensitive, I remember what it felt like to be coming off a long relationship, in that phase where the gravity of the breakup hasn't yet sunk in, and have some guy be like "sooo, you're single now?"  It's such a wonderful

Yeah, I've been in both Ginny's and Boo's shoes, and while Ginny did come across as pretty insensitive, I remember what it felt like to be coming off a long relationship, in that phase where the gravity of the breakup hasn't yet sunk in, and have some guy be like "sooo, you're single now?"  It's such a wonderful

I was giddy at the idea of him possibly being a recurring character, although "one-eyed plumber" may be even a little too gimmicky for this show.

I was giddy at the idea of him possibly being a recurring character, although "one-eyed plumber" may be even a little too gimmicky for this show.

I came here to post about that line.  I've also been paying more attention to the characterization of women on this viewing - especially in the first season, because I think in the second season Sorkin's lady issues become very apparent - and that was probably the most offensive thing I've heard so far.

I thought they said in the pilot that they had dated?  I might be remembering wrong.

I thought they said in the pilot that they had dated?  I might be remembering wrong.

And exchanging the world's chastest kiss, which the pregnant 14-year-old tried to pass off as being good - I was like, honey, you're pregnant.  Surely you've had better than THAT.

And exchanging the world's chastest kiss, which the pregnant 14-year-old tried to pass off as being good - I was like, honey, you're pregnant.  Surely you've had better than THAT.

Doesn't everything get an A+?  I'm only going by their grades for the last few seasons of Gossip Girl, but come on, at least some of those episodes were REALLY shitty.

Doesn't everything get an A+?  I'm only going by their grades for the last few seasons of Gossip Girl, but come on, at least some of those episodes were REALLY shitty.

Those pink bags were FABULOUS.

Those pink bags were FABULOUS.

@avclub-e463f97ca6bc46b1ba706474e108c7e1:disqus I thought about that, but it's implied that this has been going on for several years, and has just now hit 10 years.  Unless his passport expired and he threw it out pretty much immediately, you'd think sometime in the past few years he would have been able to check.

@avclub-e463f97ca6bc46b1ba706474e108c7e1:disqus I thought about that, but it's implied that this has been going on for several years, and has just now hit 10 years.  Unless his passport expired and he threw it out pretty much immediately, you'd think sometime in the past few years he would have been able to check.

My DVR records the last few minutes of Secret Life of the American Teenager before Bunheads starts, and it's becoming increasingly hilarious to see how godawful that show is compared to this one.  I really, really hope ABC Family is hyping Bunheads as much as they hype the total shit that is Secret Life.

My DVR records the last few minutes of Secret Life of the American Teenager before Bunheads starts, and it's becoming increasingly hilarious to see how godawful that show is compared to this one.  I really, really hope ABC Family is hyping Bunheads as much as they hype the total shit that is Secret Life.