
The Casey/Gordon dynamic is very strange in "Small Town" - they seem pretty buddy-buddy for two guys who had practically been at each other's throats in "Dear Louise."  In particular, Gordon's line in that episode about how he was happy to be having sex with Dana every night (really!?) indicated to me that he somehow

The Casey/Gordon dynamic is very strange in "Small Town" - they seem pretty buddy-buddy for two guys who had practically been at each other's throats in "Dear Louise."  In particular, Gordon's line in that episode about how he was happy to be having sex with Dana every night (really!?) indicated to me that he somehow

I'm not familiar with how European border crossings work, but don't you get a stamp in your passport? Seems to me if Dan were hellbent on proving his innocence, which largely hinged on his insistence that he had never been to Spain, his passport would be the first thing he'd look to as evidence.

I'm not familiar with how European border crossings work, but don't you get a stamp in your passport? Seems to me if Dan were hellbent on proving his innocence, which largely hinged on his insistence that he had never been to Spain, his passport would be the first thing he'd look to as evidence.

I'm with you when it comes to Isaac's speech, which is pretty damn perfect in every way.

I'm with you when it comes to Isaac's speech, which is pretty damn perfect in every way.

Not odd at all.  I love the titles, too: "The Quality of Mercy at 29K," "Eli's Coming," "The Six Southern Gentlemen of Tennessee," etc.

Not odd at all.  I love the titles, too: "The Quality of Mercy at 29K," "Eli's Coming," "The Six Southern Gentlemen of Tennessee," etc.

Yeah, the screams were truly horrifying.  Normally the screams in those kinds of scenes sound a bit fake and don't bother me, but these sounded like genuinely terrified howls of people in excruciating pain.  It actually took me out of the action for a minute (not in a bad way, though) and had me thinking, my god, this

Yeah, the screams were truly horrifying.  Normally the screams in those kinds of scenes sound a bit fake and don't bother me, but these sounded like genuinely terrified howls of people in excruciating pain.  It actually took me out of the action for a minute (not in a bad way, though) and had me thinking, my god, this

The clock said 8:47.  Which is still pretty early, but not THAT early. (She was supposed to meet Ben at 9, so 6:47 would have been unreasonable.)

I should have known to stop watching the show back in season two when everyone was completely willing to accept that DOAKES was the Bay Harbor Butcher.  And it had already been established that Dexter was known around the station for being weird and anti-social.  As far as I can remember, no one EVER even considered

I read once that Amy Poehler picks (or helps pick) Leslie's wardrobe, and the way she does it is that she looks through her clothing options, and if she sees something and thinks "that's cute," she puts it back.  It's a conscious decision not to dress well - although knowing that now, it scares me a little when I

What ruined this episode for me was the look of real horror on Jim's face after Dwight grabbed his crotch.  I was expecting him to just be like, "Dwight, what the hell?" and then kind of laugh it off.  But he seemed genuinely violated and angry - which makes sense for real life, but was really jarring in a sitcom.  It

I'd argue that there was never depth to Ryan, but there was once depth to Pam, Jim and Dwight.  Unfortunately, it was beat out of them by a variety of horrible plot decisions that completely sabotaged the characters as they had once been written.  Example: The episode where Jim is in charge and decides to combine

I think it's most surprising to me (and I've been nine months pregnant) because she was so much smaller and thinner with her first "pregnancy," which of course wasn't real.  It would be hard for a show to have a pregnant character look like many REAL pregnant women do - jowly and waddling - because that would mean the

At one point when Ron was selling a flute to a guy who was handing him cash, he looked at the camera and what appeared to be guilt flashed across his face.  I was convinced that he would end up feeling guilty for taking those poor saps' money and would find some way to give it back (Zorp college scholarship?), which I

I suppose the ceremony wasn't really fucked up in a way that mattered to its audience (they seemed to dig it), but it was the level of behind-the-scenes incompetency and the way Lesben were acting like chickens with their heads cut off that got to me. And yes, there wasn't much lead time, but then, look at how Leslie

I kind of doubt this is the end of Tom. He and Ben played off each other well this season, and this isn't the kind of show to let someone go (even someone as douchey as Tom) without some kind of heartfelt goodbye to at least one other person, like Mark and Leslie at the end of season two. (Unless you count Tom's

I just love that Jerry was going to read Dante in the original Italian. What?