Hey Hermano

I wanna smack the guy in the fucking mouth who thought a laugh track would benefit this show. Seriously. I understand it in the stand-up bits, but during the sketches it was just plain unbearable. Don't tell me when you think I should laugh. That is one of the things still keeping me away from HIMYM.

And this is not LOST so it's not happening.

Class of '06. I couldn't tell you what was on the radio.

Funniest comment I've seen in awhile, Chriska.

A Theory
Being a giant LOST fan, I always have to come up with theories. I feel that maybe Ned's father has the same power as Ned. He left Ned because Ned died at some point as a child and his dad had to revive him. Not willing to risk touching Ned again, he left him. Maybe he gained it when working with Dwight

Sarah's Dad
We'll definitely be seeing him later as they made a direct effort to not show his face this time. He'll turn out to be a target or something probably.

Me? But seriously folks, I thought that storyline went on a little too long.

It was better than Kath & Kim.

Ugh. It was awful.

Am I the only one who likes American Dad but hates Roger? Guess so.

What about Hysteria? Did you guys ever watch that? I thought it hilarious.

More like Stevojewtownriffic.

More Like
Cold Suck Kids. Yeah.

How does you going into a theater to ruin a movie for other people who paid for it any less an asshole than the religious Christians you hate?

Yeah. You're right. Just a quick wiki check let me know. Sorry for wasting everyone's time.

Klasky-Csupo the same company behind the book "The Stinky Cheese Man"? You guys remember that shit at Scholastic book-fairs in grade-school? The animation looks uncannily familiar…

Well, if we're picking sides, I would say it's the former here.

Aha is great. So many good songs. I love each album in their own way. I mean, I'm a giant fan and my favorite song is "True Love Way" of BOTT. That's f'd up.

Give It Some Time
The first time I heard this album, only a few tracks grabbed me. Now I love every single one. BOTT was the same way.

You should go for it.