Hey Hermano

Double Standard?
So we don't care about Mirren doing drugs saying it was so long ago in the 80's it doesn't matter yet people bitch everytime we find out a politician tried it in the fucking '60's?

Oh no! Penguin is a REAVER!!!

Custody Battle
Does he get to keep the Joker or the Thief?

I thought she meant police records. Eh?

Well, to license the music in the show for DVD and the distribution and marketing, I say E! will be spending money on this.

The biggest band to come out of Ft. Worth, TX, my hometown. I guess if you expand the radius a little bit, we can claim Kelly Clarkson too. Ahh…

Excuse me, were you sayin' something? Nuh-uh, you can't tell me nuthin'.

Because Slash being there is the reason no GnR. Him and Axel don't play with each other anymore.

" I was posting here before Heath Ledger died and was demanding a scene where The Joker character hits her in the face with a shovel at the beginning of the movie to explain Rachel's sudden ugliness." <—- Hilarious.

No…2nd you have essentially said 1st person novels are better.

He shot candy at gays through a gun. Oops. Wrong article.

Oh shit. You didn't.

Stupid Joke
I'd go but I bet you have to wait in line all day and all of the night.

It's pronounced "gob".

Stop Making Sense
has a weird David Byrne on David Byrne interview. Funny and bizarre as hell.

Shadow does?! Portal has it as well as other Valve games.

Wow. Sarcasm went undetected. In the AV club comments no less. Commencing "Operation: Not As Good As Their First Album."

Let's Make The Movie
Seriously, what hasn't had a modicum of success that isn't in talks to be made a movie? Geez. At least we have stellar, original material like "The Dark Knight" in this world of adaptations.

Did I say I didn't like it? I just said that's the audience. I wear berets too, but only when they match my tights.

I honestly thought people would make this connection when I saw the movie.