
Glad someone sees it that way :).

I thought it was harsh too. And no it is not wrong that you enjoy the show. I do too. It's just starting and is in its growing pains right now.

Me too. I would love nothing more than to see Bruce and Selina interact.

Agreed. I hope the next episode does the same.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who believes that.

I have to disagree with this review to some extent. Although granted, I wish we could have seen more Selina Kyle, I liked this episode. I like how she got away from the child snatchers. I liked the gun fight between Jim and Harvey and the people who were holding the children hostage. That said, I wish we had see more

Turns out you were right :).

And is a television adaptation of a comics character who has a romantic relationship with the main protagonist.

Except Malcolm Merlyn had a transmitter which he could have used to destroy all of the Glades. Therefore Malcolm had to be dealt with if the Glades (if not part of it) were to be saved.

Thank you!! You spelled it out better than I did. By the way what you are saying is fact not opinion.

Thank you very much! Someone gets it!!!!

No, it does not seem logical. Merlyn had a transmitter which he could have used to activate the device remotely . So if the Hood did not take on Merlyn, more lives would have been lost. So yeah, killing Merlyn saved more lives.

Well you are getting your wish in Season 3.

I think Trish's point still stands though…….

It may be new for this iteration.


I'll have to disagree with you on that one.

I like your mentality.

I like your attitude.

Yeah you may have a point, but I what we are saying here is that just because a show has a less than stellar series premiere doesn't mean it will be a bad series.