Scooter McGee

Thomas's "There's a country club?" just slayed me.


I'd agree on Leif, but offer up Troyzan.

Just started watching this series last week What great timing!

She could have had a kid at 21!  Shocking!

I don't know who you are, but you're about to get clamydia.

I don't know who you are, but you're about to get clamydia.

Season 6 - The Amazon
Season 7 - Pearl Islands
Season 10 - Palau
Season 13 - Cook Islands

Season 6 - The Amazon
Season 7 - Pearl Islands
Season 10 - Palau
Season 13 - Cook Islands

Malcolm claims that Penner, Pete, and Carter were screwing around and decided before hand that they'd mess with Probst and not raise their hands at that question.

Malcolm claims that Penner, Pete, and Carter were screwing around and decided before hand that they'd mess with Probst and not raise their hands at that question.

Having read exit interviews and seen the Ponderosa clips of Abi's reunion with the other players after she was voted out, it's pretty easy to see RC is vindictive and unforgiving. She can't let go of her loss and won't accept responsibility for it (even tonight she blamed Pete.) She was so shallow and nasty in those

Having read exit interviews and seen the Ponderosa clips of Abi's reunion with the other players after she was voted out, it's pretty easy to see RC is vindictive and unforgiving. She can't let go of her loss and won't accept responsibility for it (even tonight she blamed Pete.) She was so shallow and nasty in those

I used to get bitter about the family reunion shows too. But after taking a few business trips, I realize that I totally hate being away from my wife and kids. Life just isn't the same when I'm not home with them. After being gone only 2-3 days I'm totally anxious to be with them again. It's just how I'm wired.

I used to get bitter about the family reunion shows too. But after taking a few business trips, I realize that I totally hate being away from my wife and kids. Life just isn't the same when I'm not home with them. After being gone only 2-3 days I'm totally anxious to be with them again. It's just how I'm wired.

I used to get bitter about the family reunion shows too. But after taking a few business trips, I realize that I totally hate being away from my wife and kids. Life just isn't the same when I'm not home with them. After being gone only 2-3 days I'm totally anxious to be with them again. It's just how I'm wired.

I'm sure there are more that could have made the list. I personally like "Peg" and "Everyone's Gone to the Movies" by Steely Dan.

I'm sure there are more that could have made the list. I personally like "Peg" and "Everyone's Gone to the Movies" by Steely Dan.

Liked Evison's first one, hated his second one, and am just too tired to try the third.

Liked Evison's first one, hated his second one, and am just too tired to try the third.