Maybe they should take the "un" off the title.
Maybe they should take the "un" off the title.
I think you meant to say ROLL TIDE !!!
There's a great SNL sketch where Norm MacDonald plays Kuralt giving a retirement speech on his Sunday Morning show. It quickly turns into a joke about Kuralt being a sexual deviant. I couldn't find the clip but here's the transcript:
As a pair of short-shorts, I like covering the low brown end of things as well.
… and Jason Voorhees pretending to sing, on hockey stick! Duhhhhhh!
I like how Big Jim got the token black dude to build the place to hang someone. "This is how white people used to kill black people" never crossed his mind, I guess. That's some hidden racist shit!
Honestly, William Dozier had the right idea. Ridiculously straight-laced Batman, the way Adam West portrayed him, is the only way that makes sense. We're talking about a masked man who beats people up, but (in most comic iterations) doesn't kill. If he feels this way, why couldn't he just become a policeman? The…
Back in high school, I traded a copy of Garage Days on tape to a dude for my first hit of acid. No shit.
@Dikachu:disqus Hasn't everybody? *hoots and applause from audience*
If African-Americans continue to dominate the culture of "rap", then yes. American media shoves the Civil Rights movement down our throats daily and we have to be vigilant to keep whitey from thinking they still own the joint. (America's current population: White, 72%*; Black, 12.6%; Hispanic, 16.4%) [source: http://en…
Jamie Lee Curtis Taete! Makes me think of that scene from Trading Places. Wait, now I'm thinking about Activia. Damn you, irregularity! Making formerly hot chicks talk about their shitting problems on TV, ruining my sex thoughts. Now I need some yogurt, this time to help me go number three.
My fondest memory of watching Conan was one time they did a Central Time Zone New Year's Eve special where him and Andy spent the whole hour bitching about having to work on New Year's Eve.
… and the Toodrunkto-Fockers.
@avclub-b9a25e422ba96f7572089a00b838c3f8:disqus Depending on what neighborhood you live in, a jog in the morning can also get your personal belongings boosted.
Maybe fly the flags at quarter-mast. If I were to guess, Lau Kar-leung was short. With him being Chinese my odds are good.
Another comedic one would be "People Who Died" by Jim Carroll and then depending on how you died everyone at the funeral would be prompted to yell your name out at the right moment during the song.
*dust flies out*
I checked out seasons 1-3 from the local library a few years ago, they're on DVD and pretty widely available (*cough* torrent *cough*).