
The writers actually did bring that up during their live-tweeting when the episode aired. The episode was written before that happened, so the timing wasn't intentional. I hesitate to say they should have held off on airing it because I never like it when things get aired out of order (oh, Enlisted… I miss you…), but

Where the hell is the Kindred? Seriously.

Thank you! This comment means a hell of a lot to me. I'm sorry you're struggling with similar feelings and wish you the best in pushing along through it, too. I will try to respond in more depth when I get home from work (posting this from my phone is tricky) but I had to at least say thanks. I especially relate 1000%

I wanted to say a big "thank you" to the author of this piece and everyone in the comments section sharing their stories and thoughts and advice on all of this. I've only been lurking on this site for about a year, but I had to make an account just to say this, because I've found that the quality of the comments on