Eddy Ruxpin

Hey maybe your rite, I did come on along a little strong. Its just that everyday Im forced to salute Emperor Obama for a full two minutes at the waffle factory and my chitlins be startin to hurt! Thats why I say NBC should can these fuckin stupid "liberal white people in the workplace" shows and bring some reality to

Im from America muthafuckface, home of ass sex, broad shoulders, and baseball on TBS!? How the fuck is that very funny!? Somebody get Tyler Perry in here to funny this shit up!

you know what pal, as a strong, black, elderly single, mother korean war vet, I object to what you are saying about things and stuff. If it wasnt for my father I wouldve never been born because sperm shot out of his penis, into a sea otters vagina, then into a prostitute who eventually got me the hell outta her

You god Damned Liberals
the episode tonite really got me thinking, do you people have any idea what you've done. Right now there is a hero maverick sweating his old balls off in some shitheap in Arizona while an admitted hawaiian cyborg terrorist is prowling K street looking for impressionable youths to ensnare in his


I just firsted on yer chest…
But seriously folks lets get down to brass tax. Josh didnt like this episode, why? Cuz he didnt get it. This is the problem with our country. The liberal, god hating press of this cuntry is so out of touch with things, that when it doesnt meet their ivy league, john hodgeman, (justin long

Movies are like hot sauce…
… and I just wanna dance? Can we do better? No America, its time to die.