Coppolas Big Napkin

Let me add my voice to the chorus of negativity regarding the first film. It was terrible, boring, irritating and amateurish. It confused in jokes and fanboy goodwill with quality. It gave acting roles to Kane Hodder and Robert Englund as any other characters except Jason and Freddy.

Lane's Abusive Father
Is played by W. Morgan Shepard, best known (to me, at least) as Blank Reg on Max Headroom. What an odd coincidence that I just finished watching the MH DVDs that day and here he is on Mad Men.

She's won't first forever, but then again, who does?

Just another post in appreciation of this article. The Games section is really coming into its own.

I can only cry when I think about what percent of my life I've spent playing the Civ series. Does anyone have Civ Revolutions for 360? I played the demo but it wouldn't let me finish a game, so I can't decide if it's worth buying.

@teh dude: Good point. The aiming is horrendous. Unless you spam zombies enough to earn the Real Megabuster (the ultimate gun) the guns are pretty much useless. If George Romero has taught me anything, it's that a good rifle is key to surviving a zombie outbreak; in DR, I'd rather have a sledge.

I guess my main complaint is with the timer, which gives you zero room for error. It turns the player into Bill Murray in Groundhog Day: Unless you do everything perfectly, in the correct order, and at triple speed, you'll fail the "story". Without multiple saves, you can't experiment with different strategies; you've

Dead Rising 2
Hopefully Capcom has fixed the extreme frustration, lousy pathfinding, terrible AI, oppressive timer, and the lack of multiple save slots that killed the first game for me. Don't get me wrong, killing zombies is a blast, (especially with a car) but actually, you know, PLAYING the game is an exercise in

Drill, baby, drill?

100% pure failure. Woo!

Working in a bookstore, I always hated the religious fiction section. God forbid you would want to experience something from a point-of-view that does not perfectly mirror your own. God forbid you'd actually want to learn something.

@Generic Poster: I just finished Red Harvest and I have to disagree with you. Besides the very basic idea of the outside agent with a code pitting rival gangs against one another, neither draws much from Hammett. The Op is a detective, hired to do a job, whose moral outrage at "Poisonville" motivates him to conspire

Yes, the is a nearly-identical one in Yojimbo.

Leone took over directing that one (he was just a producer originally) reluctantly after Peter Bogdonovich (!) backed out. He never felt he "owned" the project, and the results bear that out.

Fistful follows the pattern of Kurosawa's Yojimbo fairly closely, albeit in a radically different cultural context. For a Few… has no connection to Sanjuro, the sequel to Yojimbo.

Get three coffins ready…
…my mistake. Four coffins.

My Home State…
Never fails to embarrass. Remember this flap from 2005?

My Home State…
Never fails to embarrass. Remember this flap from 2005?


Dance Craze Movies
Why didn't we get competing Macarena movies in the late 90s? Where are the filmmakers with the chutzpa of G&G?