
As another Canadian, I would say this is part of our legacy of inflicting musical aggression on the world.  Celine Dion, Bryan Adams, Snow. That's what we do. But we do apologize for it a lot.

As another Canadian, I would say this is part of our legacy of inflicting musical aggression on the world.  Celine Dion, Bryan Adams, Snow. That's what we do. But we do apologize for it a lot.

And yet, when I was in Italy, my mom's family served us pasta (of course). With real, Ragu-from-the-jar sauce. It was a very strange thing to see.

First, there was a coin
So after all these years of a collectible coin (minted from recovered silver below the Towers! Never Forget!) that had a flip-up tower diorama, they are using what's left of the metal to coat bills (Liberian bills, to be exact)?

It must be Cutthroat Island. That movie redefines what an awful movie can do.

I am weary, and their deaths will bring me little joy
Of course, sometimes a little is enough.

Sigh-that should be :Schneider' of course—Rob Schenider's boobies are awesome.

Yeah, but they're Rob Schenider's hilarious boobies.

The Pack kids
I think they were misunderstood—they aren't 'cool kids' in that school (that would be Cordelia and her girls, and the jock guys).

Married almost 9 years, two kids. Sex is better than ever. There was, however, that weird point at about 5 years where it wasn't so much. But what changes is that you can talk more, you're more comfortable, and your wife finally admits she likes to be dirtier than she used to be willing admit to. It's all about being

But it's a lot harder to be a GOOD scientist.

It is being advertised as "Coming Soon!" in my small city! So that cockroach has at least a couple more weeks to cling to life.

Spliced after deaths
Except that, unlike Plan 9 or Wagons East or The Crow or so many other movies that are spliced after deaths, DARK KNIGHT IS FINISHED FILMING.

That and, really, we don't need Emeril references anymore. Why not just refer to him as the Weakest Link?

I'm not alone!
I too saw the condemnation and ridicule of religion and God, and was made aware of how blatant it is in the books.
Which I never would have read if the Church hadn't been so whiny.
Not that it changed anything for me—I was already on board. But now I have a great set of books (I too bought the trilogy

I got it now—they were trying to do a "don;t know what you've got 'til it's gone" thing. Hence getting people's quotes about how good it is, and how the Whopper defines Burger King.

Nothing says bloating and gas like a Whopper. Or anything else at BK.

Don't you mean, "Ah HELL NAW!"?

Yeah, that's it. Going to bed with the real Jolie would be such a horrible fate.

I don't know—I'm sure that the word GEORGEOUSTUPID could be useful. Limited to people named George (ideally, a pretty George), perhaps, but useful if one happens to be stupid.