
I think it all ties in to your theme too, that as they run out of options and deal with consequences, they have to turn to their darker sides, particularly for Raylan. Or make choices they never would have before. Raylan with using Kendall, Boyd wearing a wire, Ava will probably face hers in the finale but has already

I think this season has a very clear theme and it was set out in the first episode. The whole season has been about consequence. Past actions catching up with the main characters. Set up by Dewey getting the settlement in the first episode because of Raylan's past treatment of him. Ava in prison. Nothing quite working

There's a lot about Hannibal that I find absolutely brilliant, but it think most brilliant of all is how they manage to create such tension in a story that we, for the most part, where it's going. Not even just the end, but while storylines, but still I find myself a bundle of nerves watching it. They've made the