Animal Cracker

I couldn't watch the whole clip. Was her character supposed to be grating?

I like to imagine the massacre that would have happened if some of the current avclubbers had seen that.

our high school teachers' email addresses consisted of their first initial and last name, so we had a Sadcock and and my favorite, Rkelly.

That was infuriating because the interviewer himself clearly had no idea what it meant

She's attractive, but whenever I see pictures of her I always feel like she's going to eat me.

"Feed starving children

The part where she went home to her mom was nice and unusually realistic (I was doing exactly that at the time). The diarrhea scene was competitive (let's take this old trope and add multiple participants, projectile vomiting, shitting a wedding dress) and they won, but it didn't add much else.

Yeah, I don't doubt that she was pretty snotty to him.

Apparently he was a really weird kid in high school and he kind of stalked my friend's sister.

Then why does Sarah Jessica Parker's butt cheese end up in Scrotie's milkshake?

Or Mike Starr. "Whatever you do, don't go to a doctor."

Just douchin' over here in Eagleton.

Perd Hapley's uncomfortable niceness made those scenes all the more awesome.

Plus Brendanawicz has the personality of a man whose never really had a problem with getting women (kind of like the male anne)

I wasn't referring to the ad, just in real life.

And they look exactly like the way I pictured them! Especially the guy with the beanie.

She went out with a bang.

I'm kind of surprised that famous people buy those things. I thought the point of louis voutonn luggage was to scream "I have money!", which celebrities don't need to do at all.

I prefer "do-it hose"

This is gettin' good.