
Every Nakamura match I've seen was either great or boring.

Shoemaker has the bigger audience because of Grantland and his writing style is probably better, but the guy doesn't seem to know much outside of post-1984 WWE and WCW during the Monday Night Wars. This would be fine if he only wrote about those subjects, but he sells himself as an expert on all things pro wrestling.

Cena has probably done steroids for recovering purposes. He's not a bodybuilder and you don't get that strong without some serious weight training, but the guy has quickly come back from serious injuries multiple times. Something has to be up.

Agreed on the characters being poorly developed. Gosling's character was basically a Travis Bickle level psycho, but the movie treats him like a hero the whole time and his love interest fawns over him as he brutally beats a guy in the elevator.

Lesnar still feels fresh and is a freakishly great performer. Pushing The Rock is understandable because he does bring in viewers and is still good on promos. But I have no idea why a moderately popular guy like Triple H still gets so much spotlight. Seeing him getting his win back from Lesnar in front of a silent

The HHH/Lesnar match played out like a carbon copy of the fantastic Cena/Lesnar match from last year, right down to the finisher on the steel steps. The problem was HHH is nowhere near as good at playing a hero in peril as Cena is. For all his faults Cena does know how to sell a beating and make a proper comeback.

Rey is probably my favorite wrestler ever. Even in his twilight years he was getting good matches out of stiffs like The Miz and Kane. Amazingly consistent and one of the few guys who non-fans are always impressed by.

*scratches back of head*

*scratches back of head*

At some point a couple of years ago, John Cena just gave up on winning over the 18-35 male demographic and actually started to antagonize them on purpose. The best example I can think of this is when he mocked internet fans who say he has "poor workrate" and "want his heel persona to shine through" in his best Comic

At some point a couple of years ago, John Cena just gave up on winning over the 18-35 male demographic and actually started to antagonize them on purpose. The best example I can think of this is when he mocked internet fans who say he has "poor workrate" and "want his heel persona to shine through" in his best Comic

The list could have used a hip-hop representative. The Seed 2.0 by The Roots, maybe?

I wish Dwayne Johnson would do a movie as The Rock.

I wonder what the chances of the Goodfellas and Mad Men universes merging are.