rusty cajun ron

Really? UCB is your response? While an excellent show, I think we've left out the most important sketch comedy show of all time, some sort of flying circus show.

My european jaunt included going to Mozart's fav opera house in prague and taking a pic next to the freddie mercury statue in Montreux.


Haven't magazines taken over for the real meaty reporting? We have Lewis and Taibbi doing the best financial reporting for Vanity Fair and Rolling Stone. The Atlantic and New Yorker have always done good stuff as well. I say we leave the immediacy to the internet and the meaty stuff to magazines. Newspaper

I think you misspelled BadMotorFinger, and badly.

Yes it's true.

Populous, FTW.

The only game where it is your goal to get your ass kicked.

Have we learned nothing of crowd behavior? If you pointed to one person to react, they would react as you would think. But since everyone is there, no one speaks. It's a cheap trick.

which is why that is my least favorite cover on that album

Who's the American Scott Walker?

How many LEGOs will it take to build the Labyrinth cod piece?

bad juxtaposition
He opened up for Jonathan Richman a few years ago. I had convinced some friends to the show essentially on the strength of JR's bubbly stage presence and general happiness. This guy did not help that mood. Had to end up going to a bar further down in Davis to avoid losing friends for the rest of

I don't understand why it'd even get to robots. If you had the telesensory software, then why bother going through the expense of the hardware? You could simulate whatever you wanted and not be restrained to the constraints of the physical world.

Do Not Attempt To Drive a Car
Holy shit people. If there was ever a time

Isn't it kind of a play on Lincoln's line "For us, the living?"

you should also see, look at this hipster fucking. Kinda different.

Could Hi and Lois handle all the scotch, pasta making and cat themes?

Is that the most successful B-side ever? Do I smell and Inventory?

The only way I could see them is if they were in glass. I would then stare at the reflection in the background which produced the necessary out of focus effect.