rusty cajun ron

John Ritter as a red-suited Satan. That was one of those "always on HBO" movies for me

Actually, in high school, 86 was a B-, but that was 14 years ago.

Yeah, I liked his first two albums, though, I'm no comedy expert. I went to the Vicious Circle show at the Fleet/BofA/TDNorthCenterGarden and was disappointed. The crowd did not seem to agree with me.

The National Journal Online blog, I feel, is a wonderful set up and how comments should be. Essentially they ask for feedback on a question and allow experts in the field to lay down facts and arguments. I'd love for something like that to happen, but I'm not sure how you could do it cheaply without looking like

No one ever talks about Ferrell in Jay and Silent Bob. He had some good moments in there. Unfortunately they took out the "fire up the jets" scenes. Oh sweet irony.

Ray, when someone asks you if you're a god, you say "YES"!

With ya, Persia (can't believe I was sans internet when this was published). Nothing Compares 2 U and Manic Monday are awesome songs, probably done better by those who made them famous.

I really like his idea of the time and money limited research funds. You got several years and a fixed amount of money to research a problem and then you were done. No need to try to self perpetuate. Takes the consulting part out of science.

in SoF, all he did was point out the incentives for a scientific conspiracy. There are a lot of dollars to be made, and believe me, when you are fighting for grant money, it's usually the scariest shit that wins.

I'd still make her sign the Love Contract. KOBE!

but it does apply to the finite capacity of the public consciousness. I'd say it's even worse now as it is more than ever, but for the grace of God go I.

Panama City
To be fair, there is a different between PC Beach and Panama City. All the tourists are on the island. When you cross that bridge, it's just like any northern FL/southern AL town.

I took a leak next to Tip O'Neil.

all of you people are insane. It is scientifically proven that the best PJ song is Rearviewmirror.

Maintaining his old yacht, the "Milwaukee's Best" was cheap.

No, the clean and shiny part made sense. The time was before the empire had been dragged into a civil war. The planets used in the prequels were the bigger players in the empire. The rebel force in 4-5-6 had to battle out on the outskirts. doesn't mean1-2-3 still didn't suck.

If you have to have Garth, it must absolutely positively be Calling Baton Rouge.

Let Down or Killer Cars

Maybe Nickelodeon is teaching all the youngsters the meaninglessness of ad hominem in debate. I mean, the fact that he beat the crap out of someone is inconsequential in regards to the merits of his music.

you guys are starting to sound old and crotchety like this guy