rusty cajun ron

Actually, the worst experience ended up being a last date. I took this girl, who i thought was smart (or so the internets led me to believe), to see the Dukes of Hazard (her choice). Strike 1. She said she wanted to see what Jessica Simpson was up to. Strike 2. The inevitable strike three came just after the

I double dated for Private Ryan. Oh man was that a mistake. Although I'm pretty sure we still got in on afterwards. To be 22 again…

Second the C
I'm a Citrus zealot. However, this album seems to take away everything that I liked about that album. The epic, distortion-laced finishes are gone. the energy is gone. Very forgettable, which sucks.

I'm in your boat, though I did bid up to $750 in the Feist Sings Your Song auction a few years back. That would have been sweet.

@rsh412 I used to LOOVVE the loew's in homestead. 3 stories

I agree with that bastard. I really like the first Realpeople song, "The Prostitute from Marseilles," but the rest of the electronica is eh at best.

Why? If that thing goes off, there's really nothing we'd be able to do about it. Monitoring would just create a bunch of unnecessary panic.

Isn't CA getting the ball rolling on this? I'm thinking it might be time to think about some long time altria purchases.

I kinda wished they would have put stork patrol on this one. If you're going to rip someone off (and well), it might as well be the Wu

so am I in the minority of thinking that Wall-E's original score was outright robbed in favor of Indian Novelty?

Isn't that essentially the same vein of defense for why Fall Out Boy received an A?

Isn't that essentially the same vein of defense for why Fall Out Boy received an A?

It's also really bad in the winter because the extra exposure to that hot water only leads to some seriously dry skin. The environmentally friendly way to go is to use (and reuse ad nauseum) a Duke T-shirt.

And lexi brings up another great point. You're right, it's just a vessel to teach those very important skills. The problem is that the content can be so hit and miss for individuals that some are going to be screwed by the teacher's choice (Jane Austen, shoot me). However, how can a teacher allow for individual

Apparently degrees in psychology AND parapsychology don't require too much reading comprehension. I don't think anyone here said any of those things, certainly not the extreme you have decided to take them.

The Sirens of Titan. I think we'd be all better off if we learned early on that there is no purpose to human life, so quit looking for one and start enjoying it.

High school blew. Like Liz Lemon, I'd like to dream that I was picked on and shy, but in reality, I was probably a real big smart ass who was smarter than everyone else and not afraid to show it. However, because I hated high school, that made me actually leave the crappy beach community where I grew up thus

I'd like to violently second Mel's F Papers assertion but more importantly, the teaching of the kids what the sources mean. With the internet (although true with papers as well), it is way too easy to succumb to confirmation bias, that is, just reading things that support your viewpoint. The kids needs to learn to

I'm of the mind that a lot of those things need to be placed outside of high school. I remember trudging through Gatsby as a junior. Didn't get it. Rich people and rich people problems. Then, 7 years later, I read it the way it was intended to be read, after some dame rips out your heart. At least it worked for

Any idea on how these kids are live?
They are playing the mideast sunday and I'd like to go, but that means I have to bring the lady who might be less tolerant of crap than me. The only thing that worries me is that sometimes bands heavy on studio distortion don't translate that well in the live venue? Any thoughts?