J Mac

There's a surprisingly durable fan-theory that Event Horizon is a prequel to the Warhammer 40,000 series.

Apart from the weird all gay test-tube baby society, Forever War is awesome.

Apart from the weird all gay test-tube baby society, Forever War is awesome.

In the early chapters of World War Z, it's explained/theorized that an early vector of the Z-Virus was organ transplants and skin grafts from Chinese dissidents which would slow the transition to full-on Zack.

In the early chapters of World War Z, it's explained/theorized that an early vector of the Z-Virus was organ transplants and skin grafts from Chinese dissidents which would slow the transition to full-on Zack.

@avclub-82f49d32c7cb6f8421b39495497563f8:disqus  I have tears streaming down my face into my mustache, that article made me laugh so hard.

@avclub-82f49d32c7cb6f8421b39495497563f8:disqus  I have tears streaming down my face into my mustache, that article made me laugh so hard.

The piece of marketing that sticks out to me was this GIANT billboard
you would see first thing when you got off the Bay Bridge into San

The piece of marketing that sticks out to me was this GIANT billboard
you would see first thing when you got off the Bay Bridge into San

Richard's horrific facial wounds would also barely be cause for comment in Westeros.

Richard's horrific facial wounds would also barely be cause for comment in Westeros.

He should got a simple POOR IMPULSE CONTROL on his forehead.

He should got a simple POOR IMPULSE CONTROL on his forehead.

Best Gimmick poster of the week.

Best Gimmick poster of the week.

I am completely baffled as to how or why "In The End" has stood the test of time. I hear that piece of shit on the radio at least once or twice a week, despite the fact it is a terrible, terrible song.

I am completely baffled as to how or why "In The End" has stood the test of time. I hear that piece of shit on the radio at least once or twice a week, despite the fact it is a terrible, terrible song.

Last time I drove through there were a shit-ton of signs that said "Pelosi's Dustbowl." There were others, but that was the one that stuck out to me.

Last time I drove through there were a shit-ton of signs that said "Pelosi's Dustbowl." There were others, but that was the one that stuck out to me.

I logged in just to say that this comment made me LOL heartily.