
This is the one of the few shows I trust to set things up and pay them off in satisfying ways, and this did not disappoint. That monologue from McKean was heartbreaking and riveting. The slow zoom in as he goes more off the rails was superb directing. Everything about this show is astounding, and it'll make it all the

This show is headed towards a tragic ending and the ending to this episode was just a small, small preview. I thought Ozymandias was heart-wrenching, gut-churning TV, but I have a feeling The Americans will eclipse that. Maybe not with the same bombastic style, but when things finally go full tilt sideways for the

The pulsating wall was 100% Cronenberg. I saw the little wet patch and I immediately went "Eugh!" Then it began bleeding and went "Eugh!" again. This show definitely wears its influences on its sleeve, but it makes them its own, and it does it well. Hell, I'm amazed that a cable TV show can have a scene that is even

This wasn't the first time the show has veered into horror territory, but this was definitely the most they've veered into it. Lots of genuine, unsettling scenes, especially when Lenny melted through the mirror; reminded me of the hallway face scene in Inland Empire.

It's pretty interesting in how FX/FXX just drop f-bombs all over the place now. I knew they were getting more lenient with that, but it was only a few shows it seemed. Now it's every FX show. It's about time they stopped giving a shit though.

Whoops, didn't mean to make it sound like that. It was a sold out show! He usually tours with a full band, but there were only two people on the stage, John and a new member whose name I forget.

I saw The Mountain Goats live at Mr. Smalls in Pittsburgh last night and holy shit what a show. I've never seen a crowd so involved in a show before. It was well worth the 2 hour drive. Hearing a lot of the songs with just 2 people was super neat. John Darnielle is a goddamned powerhouse on stage. Go see them live

The main one for me is "The End" by The Doors in Apocalypse Now. Such a haunting track that sets the mood for the horrors that are about to come.

Wouldn't want it any other way.

I'll post my list because I need to voice my opinion dammit!