That's a really strange update to get, but interesting, I guess.
That's a really strange update to get, but interesting, I guess.
Just lie back, look at Kristen Bell and think of England?
Sam is probably spending more time calling in favors that others owe him than accruing new ones… though it would be awesome to see a string of really shitty cases he and Michael had to to pay back all the favors he's been getting.
I am quite excited to see this.
Too Bad
This looked promising when I first heard about it a few years ago, but this really needed to happen… you know, a few years ago, when people still cared about Star Wars.
Hulu is your salvation. USA is even nice enough to put it up really, really quickly.
I forget who said it, but it struck me as sad - a run like Morrison's JLA will never happen again in the modern age of comics. I mean, every single arc of it was an 'Event Level' threat - hell, the first arc was basically secret invasion, and the fifth was essentially a smaller version of Final Crisis.
Hey, hey, hey. Not all Lost fans are like that. Just a frankly disturbing amount of them.
Indeed. I formally apologize for my Internets and how firmly they believe that Gabrielle Anwar needs to eat. Obviously, they support me… but a little too fervently, at times, I fear.
"Taken… is… the risible thriller… for… Albanian sex traffickers. …Hardcore!"
Scott Tobias
Gabrielle Anwar
Having to constantly fight to keep from breaking in half really has to put a strain on maintaining a fake accent. I don't know how she's still hot, and she is definitely still hot, but she really needs to eat something.
Okay, but if the first few episodes are bad, why should they be expected to stick with it? Just because it's a serial show? I watched the first half of season 1 of LOST and found the characters and situations astonishingly contrived and unexciting. Are you saying that, because I didn't keep watching to see if, at…
I hate it when people instantly dismiss comics… despite how admittedly dismissable most of them are. I mean, isn't the bulk of most mass-produced forms of entertainment going to be fairly formulaic? And yet, most people don't dismiss television in general just because of the worst sit-coms, or dismiss books…
Uh… here, a review of Final Crisis #7, just like you asked for, except in the comments section and from someone you don't know who has no credentials or name that you're aware of and may, in fact, be lying about crucial details. So, this one's for you, Rocket Richard.
I think Young Liars reads much better as a collection - I'd read a couple issues in the store when I was trying to decide to pick it up, and I really hadn't cared terribly much for them. When the trade hit, though, I picked it up, because.. well, Vertigo's 9.99 first trade policy kicks my ass, and I thought it was a…
Oh, it definitely hasn't risen to the level of… well, of most Vertigo books, really, you are absolutely right - the framing device is fairly lazy.
House of Mystery
The main story arc was a little iffy - not necessarily bad, but the first trade hasn't sold me on it. The little 5 page stories in each issue, though? Those demonstrate a great deal of potential, particularly 'The Hallows' from issue 1.
Congratulations, Neil Gaiman. I know how much you read this site, and how much the opinion of I, Vimanaramaman, means to you. I have not actually read this book yet, but plan to in the future. Not, like, 'the future' as in 'I'll read it in my flying car, moo hoo ha ha you delicious bastard' but more like the…
The Greatest
I think we're forgetting someone? Dwayne Allesando Mountain Dew Herbert Comancho, five time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion, porn superstar… and President of the United States.
On Time?
Wow! I'm amazed, to be honest, but pleased as punch