Mighty Atom

i know this is a little commented book review, but i rarely comment so, ANSWER ME

Have you read any of the deathless lady's other work? Cause I enjoyed habitation of the blessed quite a bit and have been meaning to buy deathless based on the review you're talking about. also if you invalidate your opinion in my eyes I might look more into this one too.

Agreed. I'd say they suffer from being basic archetypes more than gender stereotypes. Mostly though, AGREED.

The father's death as well, just going insane in the owl tower, though less sad was really powerful when it happened. Actually, all the core family who dies I remember being particularly effective for one reason or another. The pitiful aunts became even more pathetic in their death (if i remember it

infallible, it's a bit of a dick move to reply to source requests with a list that includes you hedging that some of the sites you havent actually been to. Or to suggest that its unreasonable that you would have something to back up a topic you're leaping about a message board regarding. you seem to care about this