James T. Couch

None taken. =)

But what about Firefly?

Then this is truly the darkest of the timelines.

Terrible choice. Try vodka, neat, with four olives.

Yes! I love that her Christmas! Christmas! song was the same as the pizza one. She even started saying "Me so…" something before she was cut off.

This is forever. This is what we do now.

I noticed it when Mr. Rad did that sinister smile after recruiting Abed. Did it happen more than once?

Inspector Spacetime will take Annie as his new companion (or whatever the right term is for that) leaving the Constable behind at Greendale. Jeff's positrons will be negatized.

"There’s nothing inherently wrong with building a show around unlikeable people."

If Really?? WIth Seth and Kermit was a regular feature I would be watching way more often.

Those "remember this???" type flashbacks are really annoying. Even if you didn't recognize him you're going to realize he's one of the Leviathans when he starts chomping on people with the Dr. Sexy in a minute anyway.

It's the Pax!

There are people who don't like Mark Sheppard?

I kind of want to watch this still, but not enough to skip Supernatural. Seems like a bad idea to schedule them at the same time and lose the possible crossover audience.

When you play the game of nachos, you win or you die.

Did he call me a luddite?

I was hoping it was a religious reference, meaning the return of Father Gil. But more realistically expecting some very very bad news.

Hm, I see her too.

Hey, I remember that guy. He was pretty good. How he got cut before DeStefano I do not get.

I looked at a couple episode stills, and the guy is not as old as I thought he was for some reason.