James T. Couch

Gina Torres' chracater
is really going to date that old and extremely unattractive fence building guy? I didn't see that entire episodes, but I just don't get it.

The only way to save the rom-com genre now is to roll it all up in a big ball and throw it at the sun.

It's made from plutonium.

Don't eat the candy, Sister Mary Francis! It's a bomb!

Where I am it's:
7 Angel
8 Angel
9 Charmed
10 Supernatural
11 Supernatural

I noticed a guy checking ID's in a season 1 episode recently. Of course he was quickly killed by Darla, or someone with Darla. Plus Anya asked for a beer once in one of her earlier episodes.

I still hate Riley, but he has a few charming moments in season 4. It would have been better if he had died or left in the S4 finale. He really serve no purpose in S5.

If she was really psychic
She would know that her show is going to be cancelled after 3 episodes.

Is David Putty in the elevator, too?


Same, I'm trying to avoid spoilers, reviews, etc. apart from just the simple letter grade of how many stars.

We need to find a way to turn Tool Academy 4 into Lord of the Flies.

Quasi and the Gargoyles: The Squeakquel

I think the reason she was eliminated wasn't because her work was the least shocking, but because she couldn't explain why she did it. In the real world, if you made a bad piece of art in one day, that's understandable, but if you can explain how you had a good idea behind it that might help you in getting

Will the new backstory explain what happened to her feet?
It looks like her toes were melted off by radiation a la Cameron Diaz in The Box.

Reminds me of Buffy
When adorable little sister Dawn appeared out of no where and it turned out to be part of the story all along.

Attention Producers
No one outside of Hollywood gives a shit about producers.

I thought they must mean something too. Maybe some of the characters are named Jed, Francine, etc and will be assigned jobs like the hotel guy. I don't remember learning any of the characters names, although they must have said them at some point, right?

Why the guy was so freaked out by the fortune cookie
That said "Your wife is waiting." I think his wife is dead, especially since the other guy said said "It's juts a fortune cookie, don't kill yourself over it."